
[주한미대사관] 제2회 한.미.일 글로벌 리더십 청년 서밋 한국 청년 대표 모집


안녕하세요. 주한미대사관에서 인사 드립니다. 

저희는 올해 여름 제1회 ‘한.미.일 글로벌 리더십 청년 서밋(The U.S.-ROK-Japan Trilateral Global Leadership Youth Summit)’ 을 부산에서 성공적으로 개최한 바 있습니다.  

내년 일본에서 열릴 제2회 서밋에 한국 청년 대표를 아래와 같이 모집하고 있으니, 관심있는 학생분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.  


U.S.-ROK-Japan Young Trilateral Leaders (YTL) Summit 2025

U.S.-ROK-Japan Young Trilateral Leaders (YTL) Summit aims to strengthen the trilateral ties between the U.S., Republic of Korea, and Japan while equipping 50 youth participants (ages 18-35) from these nations and the Indo-Pacific region with the tools and expertise to address global challenges. Through leadership development, strategic collaboration, and innovation, participants will actively contribute to shaping the region's future.

In preparation for the in-person event, participants will engage in virtual workshops focusing on team building, leadership, and understanding trilateral dynamics. The summit itself will provide a platform for youth leaders to collaborate and craft actionable solutions to pressing issues.

Website: https://ytlsummit2025.com/

Summit Location: Kansai, Osaka, Japan

Summit Date: 3-day Summit in early July 2025 (the website will add the exact dates shortly)

Application Deadline: 23:59 on January 19, 2025 (U.S. Pacific Standard Time) OR 16:59 on January 20, 2025 (Japan & Korean Standard Time).

Application Requirements:

  1. English language fluency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

  2. Between the ages of 18-35 years old.

  3. Citizens of the United States, Republic of Korea, or Japan – with priority given to those who are currently living in their home country.

  4. Citizens of a Southeast Asian Country or Pacific Island – must be an alum of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) or Young Pacific Leaders (YPL) program and nominated by their U.S. Embassy. Please contact YSEALI (YSEALI@state.gov) or YPL (YPL@state.gov) for more information.

  5. A history of excellence in local and regional youth leadership activities.
